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Secrets of Reggae Guitar Chords
Reggae guitar chords can be as complex
or as simple as you make them. However, most reggae guitarists don't use
complex reggae guitar chords (by the way get these 10 reggae chords progression in pdf) unless they are playing reggae jazz or some kind of melodic phrase. It's not that it can't be done, but experience has show when playing reggae, simple reggae
guitar chords are more effective and they generally sound better too. 
In this written lesson and hopefully a
video lesson soon, I will show you the basic reggae guitar chords. The
secret as you will see is in the simplicity of the technique reggae guitarists use. Keep in mind I am form the school which believes that there are only 3 types of chords,
majors, minors and dominants. For this lesson we will focus only on the
majors and the minors, the dominants will come at a later date, so you don't get too confused.
Early reggae guitar players came from
Ska, therefore the chords they used were big, fat and chunky sounding bar
chords which included your typical major and minor chords. A simple A minor reggae chord progression could look something like
this, A major - B minor - F# minor - E major. The bar chords for these reggae
guitar chords are shown below.
B Minor
F# Minor
E Major
All the notes of these reggae guitar
chords would have been strum together to give that fat sound we mentioned earlier. For practice, strum these chords to get familiar with them. To give your strumming some kind of melodic pattern or to make it more rhythmic, strum each
chord twice before moving to the next one. For this exercise
avoid the up stroke, just concentrate on the down.
You should be getting a big bright
reggae guitar sound. Make sure you are using the neck pickup of your guitar; quite a few guitar players use the
neck pickup. After you have master how to hold and play these reggae guitar
chords, you can then incorporate up strokes, while varying your stroke pattern, by playing slightly behind or
ahead of the beat.
As time moved on, reggae guitar as an
art form evolved and so did the playing style. Reggae guitar chords to a
very large extent move from sounding big, fat and chunky to a more refined melodic tone. This in part is largely due to the ever increasing skill of the players, but the extensive use
of triads also contributed greatly.
For those who do not know, triads are
three note chords which can be found all over the guitar for any single chord. The advantage of using triads when playing reggae guitar
are, they give the guitar its own frequency range, thus staying out of the way of other instruments and
allowing the sound to cut through the mix without sounding muddy, they make playing a lot easier, since triads
are just three notes chords and many of them are near to each other, they allow different voicing and make
comping easier.
An example here would be
helpful. Below I have given the guitar tabs for the triads, for the reggae
guitar chords used earlier.
B minor
F# Minor E Major
The key to leaning these triads or
reggae guitar chords is to practice them the way you did earlier. These chords can be found all over the guitar fret board and it's really up to you to figure
them out. Learning them can help take your playing to another level. Remember too that these triads are inversions and can sometimes be substituted for other
reggae guitar chords. Well I use them as substitutes anyway and you
can too.
Well done! You have made it this
far. The secret to a good reggae guitar rhythm section are triads my
friend. They are easy to hold and can be played all over the guitar for
variety. Peace and love! For more reggae